Friday, September 30, 2011


The very word “Examination” throws jitters into the body of a student. Oh! What an ogre this examination. Let us consider the system and why it has become a nightmare? What do we examine for, is our aim in examining children fair and clear to us in our minds? What really do we want to assess! Actually what we really want to asses is whether the child knows all that he has learnt but is exam a true criteria? I feel definitely No.
Our examination system as it stands today is just a test of the memory of the student and not what he knows. For, if he knows all that he has learnt in the process of the year, why does he have to burn the midnight lamp just a few days before the examinations. He is clearly just mugging or memorizing all that he has learnt through the night and will vomit all on the examination paper and get a certificate of proficiency. The proof of the hollowness of his knowledge can be adjudged even immediately after his exam for, sure enough, hi will be a clean slate even a week after the exam. So, what has been achieved through the year and what do we achieve by making him pass through the hurdle of exam?
The exams as they are taken today are more of memory tests and are no indication of the child’s intelligence, or his special field of interest. Here it is that we can pinpoint the major defect of our examination system. A child who may for example score 80% marks in English may when asked, not be able to write even one page of correct English. So, what has been the achievement even after attaining 80%. This is a clear indicator of the defective system that is our examinations.
studying this lop-sided system of examination I feel, it would be more appropriate if we assess the child’s achievements in the work done throughout the year. We must think of ways and means of developing and assessing his intelligence and other mental qualities rather than, only his quality or capacity of cramming. The present system of examination does precious little in churning out really intelligent persons, instead, it just mechanically brings out crammers, who cram and pass through the exam – little knowing what they have studies. Such a product is and will always be of low quality, as he has only the capacity of memorizing.
If we want the children to know what they have studied and also retain it all, we have to change our method of examining their capacity. In the present system we only examine his capacity to cram but what about the other qualities he may have, when and how do we assess them? Our examinations should be of the total individual personality and the total frame work of all his capacities. Only then, when he emerges out of educational institutions we will be able to fit him in his correct slot. Presently, when he is out of his educational career, neither does he know where he will fit nor do we know what we can make of him. Is this what our examinations are meant for? It is thus, now time to reshape our examination policy in order to know what we are examining, what we are examining for, and how much he gets through our scales of measurement.
If we revamp our examination system, we will also avoid the present scenario of police patrolling an examination hall instead of the invigilator keeping a vigil on the students. This happens because children know that their passing an exam in necessary, their degree is a must to take them to the employment market. If children know that getting a degree was not to be the all and end all of career making, I am sure such bandsters and gangsters would not care to sit for any examination.
Besides, an entry into the employment market without a degree in India gives some sort of a hollow status to an individual. It is for this status that children try all means to get hold of a degree no matter what they are worthy of.
Thus, time is now ripe when education, examination, degrees, employment should all be viewed in their proper perspectives. If this is not done on an urgent basis, I am afraid examinations will become more of war fronts and degrees a complete farce. We have to work towards our goal of finding out our intellectuals and put them on the errand of nation building rather than continue with these baseless education and crumbling examinations.

Teacher is a role model

A child, as we know, needs models and not critics. These models a child finds, first in his parents, and second in his teachers. It is very correctly said that the influence of the teacher is immense and no one knows when the influence becomes visible and where it sops. Since the teacher is one of the child’s ideal, it is very important for a teacher to have qualities which impress the child and the qualities which he can imitate and thus become good.
A role model is, therefore, one who has some sterling qualities of head and heart, which the child gets impressed by. So now, when we look for the essential qualities in a teacher we have to be clear in what we want the children in her charge to become, for the influence of a teacher is very deep, far reaching and of course permanent.
We want our children, for instance, to develop the quality of honesty. The teacher must then be very honest in all her behaviour with the children she is handling. In this regard, partiality and favouritism are the two most obnoxious qualities that a teacher should not have. This attitude of a teacher is noticed by the children and they do not like her for it, and they also feel that she is not very honest in her dealings with them. In the process they also learn to be dishonest in their dealings with her, and with their classmates. Thus, an ideal teacher must be very honest and transparent in all her dealings with the children and with her colleagues. This folly of favouritism plays a double havoc with the children for, on the one hand, a child who is favoured, becomes unnecessarily pampered and the child who is unduly differentiated against, either gets into his shell, and feels unwanted or, if he is bold by nature, he becomes a revolutionary. In either case this favouritism of the teacher plays hell with both, the favoured and the not-so-favoured. This attitude of the child, shown at this stage of his life becomes a permanent feature of the child’s character, and he starts feeling rightly or wrongly that he is punished for the wrongs that he has not done, and as an adult he becomes a confirmed revolutionary. Thus, in a nutshell we can derive that, in her partiality the teacher damages both the child who is favoured and the child who is not.
The next quality that we would like to find in an ideal teacher is that, he should be very affectionate to all the children in his care. The love they get at this stage of life is what makes them lovable and affectionate adults. Love has got to be inculcated in the children as, it is love only that makes life worth living. So it is very necessary for an ideal teacher to be loving and caring, then only he in turn infuses the finer quality of begetting love in the children in his charge.
A loving teacher is forever remembered and loved by students, who just admire him for his fountain of love, and they start believing that there could be no one more affectionate than their teacher of the past days.
The students believe that their teacher is a fountain-head of all knowledge. This belief of the children must be kept alive by the teacher which is possible, only if he continues to learn together with his teaching assignments. A good teacher is the one who is also a good learner. Besides, if a teacher does not happen to know a particular thing, he should never pose as if he knows it. This is because, if, at any stage, the children come to know that their teacher does not know, he only shows that he knows, they lose all respect for him. The teacher must know that, the children do not take much time to assess the stuff or the capacity of a teacher. It is not that the teacher must know everything on the face of this earth but, the moot point is that, he should not bluff the children into believing that his knowledge is absolutely complete. For an ideal teacher it is advisable to tell the children that he will find out the answer to their query, instead of giving them any wrong information. If he does this, the children will admire him for his honesty, and will not be disappointed in his lack of knowledge, for, they also, know that a teacher is also, besides being a teacher for them, a human being with limitations. This will unwittingly inculcate in the children a habit of accepting their own drawbacks and not nearly justifying whatever they do or say.
Another very important quality for an ideal teacher is to be very understanding in respect of the behaviour of the children. Though the teacher and the children are a generation apart, it would be great quality in a teacher if he could understand the woes of the children, and to help them out of their seemingly little problems, and also feel for them. With this attitude of friendship with the children, the teacher will win the confidence and they will always discuss their problems with him and they will also take him as their confidante. For this, the teacher has to put himself in the shoes of the children, understand their feelings, and he will be loved for this. In turn, his wards will also learn the art of helping their younger siblings or friends in solving their problems.
With all the above mentioned qualities in a teacher, the teacher will be an ideal teacher, he will be one who will leave an indelible mark on the minds of the young children in his charge. They will turn out to be exact replicas of their teacher. Thus, it is very important for the teacher to be a picture of what he would like the children to be. The impact of a teacher can be easily felt when we see the present deterioration in the younger generation. This is because our teachers are lacking in almost all the qualities required for an ideal teacher, and so, their wards are also lacking in all good qualities of head heart. A good teacher helps the students to develop all the great qualities of civilized human beings. An ideal teacher is thus one who leaves a permanent impact on the children he grooms, and they remember him for his great qualities at different times of their lives. A student is a mirror which reflects the learning and knowledge of a teacher, this must be kept in mind by a teacher.

Value of Sports

Sports are a great asset for us all. These include a number of outdoor games and indoor games. Mainly outdoor games, like hockey, football and cricket etc. are an interesting form of exercise, which helps in maintaining a good physique and good health.
The basic utility of games is undoubtedly helping us to maintain our body, beautiful and healthy. This applies to all of us. All children for example with delicate and fragile body frames should be encouraged, and if necessary, even forced to play games. This will help them at least breathe in fresh air if they are encouraged to have exercise, or play in the open field. Such sports build up the muscles of the child and he develops a healthy and an attractive body. Minor ailments like cough, headaches, and fevers remain at a distance from sportsmen. Sports provide a systematic and regular exercise in a pleasing way and provide enjoyment together with sufficient physical strain. Children with poor state of health must participate in sports as this will ensure good health and an improvement in the building of the body.
Sports also play a vital role in infusing discipline in players. A sportsman while at the field has always to act according to the rules of the game, with set norms of discipline of the game. This inculcates in the individual a sense of working in accordance to rules and regulations always, whether he be at home, at the games field or at his office. Thus, this working as per rules gets translated into all spheres of life of the sportsman, with ease and convenience. He learns to work as per schedule complete command of whatever job he takes in hand, as he always works in complete obedience of the rules set for the work.
Another important value imbibed in a sportsman is the sense of team spirit which is essential concomitant for success in later life. One learns to accommodate and adjust with all others, may be even of opposite temperaments, because, without this adjustment of the team, they cannot present a united front against the opponent and so never win a game. A sportsman knows how to deal with people who are very irritating for him as, he knows that adjustment with every member of the team is absolutely necessary and a key to any success. Learning this great art of adjusting, sportsman a is bound to be on the list of successful adults. He has learnt the great art of working together in harmony with others who may as individuals even be very repulsive to him, but nonetheless, he cannot afford a show of temper to any member of his team because he very well knows the fact that success is never a single person’s achievement, it is a group effort, so the group must be kept in good humour, if the work is to be done successfully, and with grace.
A sportsman on the games field also develops a sense of selflessness and a fellow feeling. He learns that no matter what position he holds in the games field, he often has to sacrifice for his fellow players. He has to remember that if the game has to be won, it has to be so with the help and co-operation of all the players, no player is big or small. Victory if achieved is a credit to be shared by all the players equally. No matter how great the achievement of one single player may have been, victory has to be attributed to the team and not the player. This teaches each individual on the field, the art of sharing even name and fame, credit and appreciation.
Another great quality that sportsman imbibe is his acceptance with a smile the mistakes and drawbacks of other players of his team. Instead of fighting or abusing a co-player for a mistake he might have made, a sportsman accepts mistakes of others and forgives them all, as he would understand and justify his own mistakes. This makes a sportsman very accommodating and considerate.
The greatest of all qualities in a sportsman is the quality of his having a sportsman’s spirit. He learns how to win with grace, and also to lose with cheer. He learns the hard fact of any game (even of life) that once he sets to play, there is 50% chance of winning and of course 50% of losing too. So he is always prepared to face the hardships of losing a game. He never becomes proud after a victory nor does he ever feel disappointed after a loss in a game. This is because if he is a winner once, he may be the loser next time and also, if he is a loser this time, he may win the next. He learns by being a sportsman that, winning and losing are never a permanent feature for anyone and that is why he maintains a balance of behaviour in every situation. This understanding of the spirit of the game makes a sportsman a little different from all others. For human as we all are, we are apt to become proud of our victories and ashamed of our defeats, but, this is all together different in a sportsman, as he learns the rules of the game that there is no reason to be proud or ashamed, for situations keep changing for all. He realizes that victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin.
Thus we can conclude that sports are an essential attribute of life. Sports build us up physically, mentally and even spiritually to some extent, as we learn to take gains and losses in the same stride. We are able to face the onslaughts of the world if we are good sportsmen, because we have all the ingredients of successful and happy individuals. We have in the bargain developed so many great qualities of head and heart that, when these are translated into action outside the games field also we score much above others who have not been able to come to the higher level of human existence, and still continue to possess all the weaknesses of humans. These weaknesses the sportsmen also had but, by entering the sports field, they have had to shed lower feelings and sentiments of us humans.
We have a lot in praise of sports but, that does not mean that, sports are without any disadvantages. It has often been seen that, children who are seriously interested in sports get away from studies and even from other extra curricular activities of their school or colleges. This makes them develop into singular personalities instead of towering rounded personalities.
After studying the value of sports in its totality, if is thought that sports must be encouraged as, they teach us a lot of good qualities which no other art can imbibe in us.

Examination Phobia

Examinations are a source of inspiration. It is the time for demonstration of abilities of students as well as the teachers. There are two types of functions which the examination serve. Firstly, a goal is fixed up for which students and teachers put in all their efforts to achieve. And secondly, an assessment on the capability and progress of children is seen by the parents in particular and the society in general. As such, examinations are necessary at periodic intervals so as to take corrective actions for any failures.
In the examinations, students show their feelings, ideas and wisdom in the form of written answers. Gainers or toppers are those who are able to express themselves correctly in a powerful expression. Students always try to gain power of expression through continuous practice and writing. This significant aspect of personality is automatically developed in the present system of examination. Sometimes, lengthy answers are required to explain the required things against specific questions. However, at times students try to cram up the lengthy answers without really understanding the basics and then do mistakes in writing or recollecting the answers. This does not increase the intelligent understanding of the subject matter. As such, there is need to examine the two aspects of teaching and mode of examination.
All people take pains and make efforts to send their children to best schools and colleges so that, the children get best education. The teachers also try to do justice to the cause of parents and teach the students throughout the year, they take it as a responsibility not only towards the parents but to the society. Then it is expected from students also that they study hard and show good results. So it is possible through examinations only to judge where our children have reached in the education system. The importance of examinations is undoubtedly unchallenged. However, some parents want these examinations to be abolished. They feel that it encourages students to do copying and all types of cheating to score the best or in some cases the minimum required pass marks. But there are more parents who feel it as an essential part of an education system.
Many students think that they have to pass the examination just to get promoted to the higher class. They try to follow cheap notes or “Guess tests” etc. available in the market. Such students do not have any liking for learning and they are not interested in gaining and enhancing their knowledge. As such, it seems that examinations cannot measure the claim of success in education system. Language and expression play the most vital role in any type of examination. Whether it is the paper of History, Science or Civics, the complete understanding and knowledge of that subject is not tested through the present mode of examination. A student having more knowledge and understanding of the subject may not be able to express himself fully due to his slow writing. He would never be on the top list of scholars. Further, the question papers do not cover the complete course. The questions are selected at random, therefore, a student can get more marks than the other who happens to learn only those few topics while preparing for the examinations. So it can be the matter of luck or chance than ability to succeed with higher marks in an examination.
In spite of various demerits of the system of examinations, it is the students who have to give due thought and use their own intelligence while preparing for, as well as appearing in the examinations. They have to keep in mind that during limited period of papers in examinations only selected material can be tested by the examiners. The students have to point of view of subject matter and those particular questions. Thus examinations help the students to develop the power of analyzing, the power of thinking, reasoning and to make the right and correct decisions based on their judgements. They have to do all the preparations in advance. The students have to search the material in various books. The material is to be arranged in a systematic manner. The relevant and irrelevant part of the material can be separated out by them. Thus the students learn to know the importance of advance planning and avoid irrelevant topics which are not necessary for success in their life.
In view of above all, it is felt that examinations need reforms from the certain evils connected with present system. Knowledge gained by cramming and tested by theoretical examinations is unsound and superficial. A scientific shape is required to be given to the system of examination. The objective type of test papers being introduced in some of the examinations are the right steps in this direction. In this way, most of the course material is covered and tested. It tests the basic understanding of the students about a specific subject and real progress of students is judged and measured.

Students and Sports

Sports is an indispensable part of education system all over the world at each level of studies. Whereas education kindles the light of knowledge in the mind, the sports help to maintain the physique. It is always true that a healthy mind can only be the best in education. At the same time, sports are also important means of entertainment after long hours of studies and a source of renewed energy. Not only outdoor games like chess, table – tennis and billiards also require player’s full attention and concentration accompanied by specific skills and techniques. All this is helpful from the point of view of health of students.
Students are always full of energy, all of which cannot be spent in studies only. It is sports only which are an outlet of surplus energy. Otherwise the extra energy can lead students to do wrong or unwanted activities which are harmful not only for the health but studies of students as well. The students enjoy their leisure time more while playing sports. They run and jump a lot which improve their digestive system. Their lungs breathe fresh air which make the students more active and healthy. Sports loosen the limbs and relax the entire body system of students so that they are again well – prepared to study with more concentration and dedication. Sports provide food for mind in the same way as learning provides knowledge.
Sports are essential to develop a healthy and constructive attitude towards life. In fact, sports lend a rhythm to life of students and provides the best co – curricular activity for them. However, it is found that present system of education is confined to the four walls of class rooms of our schools and colleges. It does not provide a good and scientific education. The present system of education and examinations has turned the students into mere bookworms. The students do not get time to pay any attention towards their physique. Though a well balanced diet can provide all the nourishing constituents in right proportions to body of students, but sports are essential to develop a well balanced personality. A combination of sports and studies for students will, therefore, result in their intellectual, moral and physical development.
Parents, and teachers both should encourage students to take keen interest in sports and should not insist on their being lost in their books. The school and college authorities should also provide the basic facilities to students for developing their interest in various games. And it is truly said “All work and no play makes Jack a dully boy”. The Governments must ensure sufficient funds to institutions for establishing necessary infrastructure in their schools and colleges for sports. Rather special schools should be started in each city where students can start their careers as sportsman along with studies to achieve minimum qualification.
In this way, sport persons of international level can definitely be developed and groomed in our country. There is no dearth of talent in students. It is a matter to bring it out by providing the required incentives. The participation in sports will make our future citizens disciplined, obedient, co – operative and having high team – spirits in all spheres of life. A student learns that while playing, he has to play not for his own good but for the good and success of whole team. Eventually he is to keep in mind the success of his school or college or university along with laurels to his state or country. Sports make him lead a corporate life.
Sports teach our students that tears and smiles, sobs and sniffles, joys and laughter all are the inevitable accomplishments of life and should be taken in the stride in right earnest. Sports teach them that it is courage and fortitude to face the trials, hardships and various rigours of daily life. The very breath of sportsmanship is fairplay. Students learn to do no hanky panky, no underhand dealings and not shufflings. Sports is another name of honesty, integrity and loyality for students. Thus only a good sportsman can be the ideal citizen of the country. A student with good sportsman can be the ideal citizen of the country. A student with good sportsmanship can be right person to lead the nation. The country would get free from the maladies of corruption, hatred and greed if our politicians are able to possess even a fraction f virtues of a good sportsman.
Students also get lot other advantages if they love to play sports with dedication. They get admission in professional institutions for higher studies and are also preferred by many big industries for jobs. They are respected everywhere. They get more opportunities to travel not only within their own country but abroad also and above all, at no expenses to their account. They happen to meet hundreds of new people and see other cultures. They develop a sense of national and international integrity and unity. Sports are best for students as long as kept away from any type of politics and misuse.


Tourism is an important and most powerful tool to promote national integration and bring people from different parts of the country or sub – continents close together. Advantages of tourism are remarkable if it is accompanied with education. Traveling is considered as the most delightful experience in the life of students. People have enjoyed and learnt a lot while traveling on their educational tours. Students eagerly look forward for such kind of opportunities when they are taken out of the four walls of class rooms to distant places. Englishmen consider their schooling complete only after a tour of the continent.
Geography is considered a very dull and uninspiring subject if it is read sitting in class rooms and just going through various books. The Great Ganga may be thought of a snake line running along the map. The Taj Mahal may be taken as a monument just like many others without actually visiting it. The dull subject of Geography will definitely become interesting and absorbing once these places of interest are visited by the students. History is very boring for students because they think of it as a story of dead kings and their period of kingdom and which is not going to pay student of today anything. However, if students are taken frequently to the sites of glories and defeats, architectural master – pieces constructed during periods of these great dead monarchs, the subject of History becomes more interesting and exciting than any other subject.
Really we can learn a lot more things when we actually come in contact or see such things or sites associated with such happenings. Sitting at home only will make our outlook a narrow one. Any student will fail to understand the effect of environment on the life of human beings. In day-to-day life, reading and getting lonely theoretical knowledge cannot make any student successful. They must know the habits, manners, cultures and way of living of people in other places. Traveling takes students to the sphere of practical knowledge. They come down to reality from the realm of dreams and imagination. While traveling, students learn to adjust to the changed conditions of living and foot-habits and the environment also. Different and varied difficulties encountered during traveling make the students readily adjustable. As such, tourism gives far more valuable lessons to students than the lessons of text books.
There was a time when crossing the seas to acquire higher education was considered highly sacrilegious. Foreign travel was not encouraged. It was this kind of ostrich mentality which brought about the worst type of intellectual stagnation and caused an ignominous fall in the country. However now in free India students have become alive to the need of learning more languages and acquire higher education in latest technologies. The latest method to learn a new language and understand the different culture is to live and more among the people whom we want to know. The learning of Chinese language and culture is best possible by living for a short duration in China than going through longer courses in institutions in our country only. The learning of a foreign language is the first step towards understanding of a nation. International understanding is possible for students of our country through taking tourism packages all over the world.
A student has to keep his eyes and mind open while on educational tours. Tourism provides an experience of the world and calls into action and practical use of various qualities of mind and intellect developed by education. Tact, engaging personality, firmness and lively conversation are some of the products of traveling across length and breadth of country and the world. A student need not initiate the habits, manners or fashions of other people whom he visits. Only good and proper attitudes must be adopted from others. The student must understand the economic problems faced by rural people when he goes to the villages and see how without proper schools and hospitals, people are surviving. The students may make a decision to serve the poor and innocent folks in villages after completing their studies.
Traveling must be made a part of the education system at each level of studies. Students will not only become more educated about their country’s all walks of life and culture but will be liberal in outlook. They will have maturity of judgement and clear in their understanding of people and their minds. Tourism is the quickest and the best if not the cheapest method of learning new things.

An Ideal Teacher

An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation. He is fearless, sincere and earnest in the discharge of his duties towards the students and the nation as a whole. An ideal teacher is considered as an object of admiration and devotion for the students. These days, students do not like to study from harsh and unsympathetic teachers. An ideal teacher creates such a confidence in his students that they are always ready to sacrifice for the cause of their teacher.
It is found that these days many teachers always try to find fault with work or deeds of their students instead of looking and changing their own attitudes. There comes utter ruin of the society when teachers grow weak or corrupt. As such, teachers must play the role of lamps that shatter darkness, become the lighthouses that guide the wandering ships to their right destinations and prevent any accidents. An ideal teacher builds an everlasting impression on the minds of his students. Such students then always remember ideal teachers and get them enshrined in their hearts. The hardworking and hard task masters are always remembered and loved by the students later. The students think that whatever position they have been able to attain is all due to the able guidance or hard work of their teacher.
An ideal teacher tries to spend most of his time in the pursuit of studies. He is mostly after the latest information and researches on various subjects. He goes through the journals and magazines to keep himself well-informed and to give up-t-date knowledge to his students. He treats the library of his school or college as a temple of knowledge. He always tries to make the most difficult subject intelligible to his pupils. He has the art to understand the difficulties of students and would come down to their level with compassion and sympathy. He always tries to be regular and punctual to set an example before his students. Time is money for an ideal teacher who thinks that loss of a second means loss of hundreds of minutes to the nation.
An ideal teacher displays extreme simplicity inspite of his extra ordinary academic attainments. He dedicates his whole life to the cause of education. He never allows his students to be idle or indiscipline. The vastness of his knowledge deeply impresses every student but an ideal teacher is never proud of it. An ideal teacher is busy with his books and quest for some knowledge even after he gets retired. In fact, ideal teachers never get retired since, with age, their depth of information and knowledge goes on increasing. They always remain a source of knowledge and guidance.
For an ideal teacher, all students are alike. He is never partial to any student and is always fair. An ideal teacher does not favour any student on grounds of his social status. He treats each student equally. He always remains simple in his habits.
Ideal teachers are honoured not only at the state level but at the national level. Every year, teachers are selected for due recognition for their contribution to the cause of society by providing best education and guiding the students to build a better nation.

Is Science a Blessing or a Curse

The gifts of science are indisputable and countless. There can be no denying the fact that science has made so much progress that life of a man, society, nation and the world has advanced tremendously. The knowledge gained learn through science and scientific technology speaks volumes about man’s ingenuity and skill. If all this was not achieved by science it would be no wonder that, even today, man might have been the animal as he was in the ages past – i.e. just another animal. It is science that has given us all the amenities of modern living that we can proudly boast of end enjoy.
The drudgery of household work has been reduced to an almost nil by the numerous gifts of science. You have much task to do, and there is a machine to do it for you. In its social aspect, no matter where we want to go, whomsoever we want to meet, the scientist has helped us and we have umpteen scientific modes of traveling to and fro. We want entertainment, the radio and then the television are at our doorstep to do the job, in our drawing rooms or in the bedrooms. If we want to gain knowledge we have other media – books. This is also the result of mechanization of solving problems. When we want to know more about other countries of the world, we have the internet to help us out. So, in a nutshell, we can say that, the twins of science and mechanism have brought us out of the darkness of the woods. Let us understand that, is the subject, and mechanization is the outcome. We can say the two are like two bodies and one soul.
Our lifestyle is now undoubtedly much above and the animal that of man ages back. This journey has taken man centres but, it has been worth it. Now, having studied the gifts of Science to mankind, it will do us some good if we do some introspection and try also to study how, and to what extent we are now misusing our scientific knowledge. As far as science is helping man to make life better it is very good but, does man stop there? He continues his so-called study and research which further leads him on to the destructive capability of science. We are in for making bombs, using nuclear energy for purposes of destruction. Today man has the most destructive weapons ever produced. One bomb can annihilate civilization. In the event of a third world war, there is no doubt that man will perish. It is at this aspect of scientific growth we must put a stop whose gain will it be, if the world is destroyed? I am sure it will benefit none. Yes, none at all. We must understand that we should not pursue the track that leads to annihilation. All the gifts of science must be enjoyed to the full and that can happen only if man survives to taste the fruits of mechanization. Production of destructive weapons the greatest curse of science to men.
On the home front also it is felt that, too much mechanization, accounts for our inability to work of our own self. We get so used to machines that our bodies get absolutely frozen and become unfit to do any work. Moving about all the time in cars makes our physique. This creeps several diseases. We become basically very lazy.
On the national front, mechanization has led to industrialization which, in turn has given birth to extensive unemployment and capitalism. Machines being devices to save labour, have mercilessly thrown thousand out of employment, and capitalism has led to class struggle, the big capitalists exploiting the poor labourers.
At the lowest and smallest level of life, man has lost his own humaneness as though he himself has become a machine. He has got so enmeshed in the machines that the has lost all contact with his own species who make for his live company. This live company has been sacrificed for the mechanical idiot box. As son as man loses touch with his kin, he is most likely to become a machine whose company he keeps all the while. The human touch which was so special about a family and the society is getting lost as every individual has become more or less a machine.
Besides these mundane and down-to-earth results of scientific growth, there is one very important aspect which has got lost. Science leaves no place to accommodate God or religion. For the scientific and mechanical mind can understand only what he sees or, something that can be explained with some amount of reasoning. God and religion are two things that can have no mathematical formula to explain. Today’s man cannot understand this so called foolish premise of the existence of any God.
This disbelief in God is leading to further degeneration of the family and the society, the two essential composites of a healthy nation. There does not in today’s context seem to be any force that can convince man of the necessity of being God fearing and thus being good. Man understand only what he can see and these days his vision is too blurred to see the place of God in the scheme of things. This irreligious attitude of man is further bringing down to the lowest ebb, the sensitivity of our very beings.
Thus we see that the blessings of science though innumerable, have a matching number of abuses. The abuses are so great that they even pose the danger of complete annihilation of the human race, both physically and mentally and of course spiritually. Looking at the sum total of the scenario the abuses outnumber the blessings. This is because man is basically destructive by nature and getting too much of scientific know-how will only confirm his doom.

Science and Social Prosperity

Science is the greatest blessing to mankind. It has transformed human life, Nothing better could happen in the history of mankind than the advent of Science and great uses of it to the social life of society. Before Science could cast its great effect on social life of humans it was all a world of sufferings, ignorance and hardship. Science came as a blessing to relieve society from suffering and difficulties of daily life. The triumph of Science can be seen in every aspect of daily life. According to a famous writer, Science has changed the face of the earth and the society more during the last 100 years than what it changed in 4000 years before.
Science has helped man to scale the sky, measure the depth of oceans and wrest from nature many of her hidden treasures. Traveling has been made a pleasure by science with the invention of motor cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes it has become easy to travel distance.
No longerman has to wait to meet any friend or relative in trouble at a faroff place. He can just catch the first train or fly like a bird and within minutes see his dear ones. Even he can talk to any relative or friend living in any part of the world at any moment of the day or night. A person can have his morning tea in Delhi and breakfast in Mumbai and lunch in Chennai. The work of months and years can be completed in a beings more prosperous and comfortable.
Science has extended the frontiers of knowledge of society in various ways and in various directions. It has enabled man to fight natural calamities and to revolutionise industrial and agricultural processes. Gone are the days when only the rich could afford the luxuries of modern life. Science has made the goods particularly the electronic gadgets so cheap that they are within the reach of almost every common man. It has enabled industries to produce goods in greater quantities thus making things affordable. Books, music and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to the door of the common man. Radio, television and cinema helps the society in relieving the daily tensions of life by entertainment. The quality of life in society has improved a lot with the inventions of Science.
Science has changed the life of the housewife in our society. Now she need not spend her whole time cooking meals for a big family. Hundreds of modern gadgets have been deviced by science to help the housewife in the kitchen. There are various electric food processors, grinding machines, cookers and ovens. Cooking has become a pleasure with no smoke, dirt or suffocation. The availability of fully automatic washing machines and dishwashers have made life very easy and fast. Now the women can take time from their homes to participate in various other functions of the society and contribute towards common welfare of mankind in general. Science has given time to housewives, to spend it with their children, to study in their leisure time and to handle business or work in offices. It is all sign of social prosperity.
The face and look of society has changed with the developments brought about by Science. People would not have been so well-dressed in the absence of the textile industry. Now the market is flooded with enormous variety of clothes whether they are required for summer of sever winter. Today, India is producing clothes to such an extent that it can export to other countries after meeting its own demands. Electricity has changed the entire scenario of society. With the help of electricity, man can do any number of activities and has progressed in every part of the industry and daily life. At nighttime, the place can be changed to daylight conditions. Even matches are played under flood lights.
The most wonderful invention of science is man-made satellites. The wildest dream of human beings has come true. Man has landed on the moon. The force of gravity has got no meaning for man and he has conquered it. The society is getting information of all other planets and research is being made continuously to know more and more about other planets. Weather conditions are being predicted with the help of pictures taken by these satellites.
The change brought in by Science is clearly visible in our ways of living. The agrarian society is fast changing into an industrialized and highly advanced culture. Big industrial towns are coming up into existence with their own multiple infrastructure. The world has contracted and time and distance have no relevance left. Fast and sophisticated means of communication and transport have brought the different societies closer. In short, the advancement of science has made our social life prosperous.

Science and Education

The greatest blessing to humanity is the advent of Science for bringing social prosperity through spread of knowledge and education. Science has helped man to the sky, measure the depth of oceans and wrest from nature many of her hidden treasures. In recent times, it has transformed human life beyond all imagination. Through its advanced inventions and discoveries, Science has cast its great effects on social life of the human and removed sufferings, ignorance and hardship. Science has extended the frontiers of knowledge of society in various ways and in various directions. It has enabled man to fight natural calamities and to revolutionise industrial and agricultural processes.
The level of education has greatly improved with the help of Science. Now people are more aware and want to know more and more about the latest happenings all round the world. In the modern era of Science, greater emphasis is being given to television in educational, social and moral spheres. Now it has become possible for man to sit in the cosy confines of his living room and watch the latest happenings of the world from his home. The expantion of education through television has been tremendous. Moreover, it has a great educative value. As on date, there are various programmes run by University Grants Commission to teach various subjects through the media of television. If proper methods are adopted, various subjects like Chemistry, Physics, English, Commerce and Mathematics etc., can be very well taught through television programmes. The students also gain a lot from such lessons taught in the form of pictures relating to various topics.
The subject matter taught on television has a more enduring and effective impression on the minds of the viewers. Further, it is all the output of the experienced teachers who understand the problems faced by students who pursue education along with their jobs or cannot afford to go to a regular college. In a large country like India, where most of the population is uneducated, the role of science in dissemination of education through television cannot be denied.
Science has also contributed the most advanced and well equipped laboratories for students to learn and conduct practicals. The launching of INSAT and other communication satellites in the space has given further fillip to the cause of education. Now the boundary of a state or a country is not the limit to get qualification of a particular university. The student can go through various courses through satellite – run programmes. The greatest and most significant achievement of science in this regard is launching internet. The internet has brought about a big revolution in the world of education and information. The click of the mouse can help him access a world of information in a matter of seconds.
With the help of Science, even the minute details of any kind of information or data is recorded wither on cassettes, disks or printed in any kind of books. The libraries of the schools, colleges and universities are full with latest books and journals on all subjects topic wise. A student can opt to go through any subject either on computer, or by going through a book. He has all the options available with him. Science has given him options to study various new fields in the research and development of science itself.
Science has helped the students to travel all across the world not only for pleasure but to educate himself about various wonders of nature and see historical places. He can avail the facility of cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes and reach his destination in time. Even he can talk to any relative or friend living in any part of the world at any moment of the day or night. Thus he has no tension and can concentrate better on his studies. A student can complete a work of months and years in a matter of hours. Communication and transport have really made the life of students more comfortable.
All other forms of entertainment have been brought to the door of the student by Science, Radio, television and cinema is helping the student in relieving the daily tensions of life by providing him the best and affordable entertainment. Surely, the daily life of students is very different and has improved a lot with the inventions of Science. Truly, Science is unlimited knowledge for a student and is going to be an eternal source of new blessing in the cause of spread of education across all horizons of the world.

Air Transport a Marvelous Gift of Science

Science is a great blessing to mankind. It has transformed our life to a great extent from what it used to be few years back. The triumph of science is seen everywhere. Science has changed the face of the earth, the world has changed more during the past 100 years than during 4000 years before. In fact, we have ceased to look upon trains or motor cars, electric fans or telegraph or radio as marvels of Science. Today, we see the greatest and marvelous gift of Science that is, ‘fly like a bird’ in the open sky. Since long, man was satisfied with buses, trains or even ships. He wanted to fly in the sky like birds. He craved for wings. This desire of man let to the invention of the aeroplane by the Wright brothers in 1903.
Aeroplanes are the gift of Science as mode of air transportation. Science has made traveling a pleasure particularly air travel. Through air travel, Science has spanned the sky, measured the oceans and wrested from nature many of her hidden treasure. It has annihilated time and distance and made the contact with world easier and quicker. Early man used to go from one place to another on foot and then gradually he used animals as beasts of burden. Thus, road transport progressed and then railways and water transport was invented. However, human being was not satisfied with all this. He invented aeroplanes. With air travel, The whole world is well-connected by a network of different airways.
In today’s world, man has become very tast going and is always occupied with many tasks at one time. He wants to save time in every respect, particularly, when he is to travel from one place to the other place. He doesn’t want to waste a single moment in transit. Under such circumstances, it is air transport only which has helped him in a big way.
Air – travel is found to be most comfortable. There are no hindrances and traffic jams as is mostly there in road transport or problems associated with railways. In India, Tata Sons and National Airways began air operations in 1932 with light and single engined aircraft for the purposes of mail transportation. It was only after World War II that full-fledged advanced type of aircraft started operating in India. They connected all important destinations. Then, in 1953, civil air transport was nationalized in India due to financial constraints being faced by the sector. Since then, tremendous progress has been made. Today, there are various domestic and international airlines carrying passengers to different parts in India and to the various parts of the world.
Though air travel is considered as one of the best contributions of Science yet it has got various limitations. Firstly, it is very costly and only the rich people can avail the facility of air transportation. A common man can travel in the train only. Secondly, air travel can be risky and dangerous. This is because if there is any mishap or accident, there is no chance of survival. Accidents prove to be very fatal and loss of life and property in a huge manner. Also the air travel becomes dangerous whenever the weather condition are adverse.
There has been a constant desire of a man to develop more advanced and sophisticated aeroplanes. He has not been deterred by the hazards of accidents in traveling by aeroplanes. Man has seen the importance of aeroplanes in war times. Today, the United States of America has the most sophisticated fighter planes which can destroy enemy camps within seconds and at any time of the day or night. Today wars are won with the strength of air power.
This wonderful invention of Science in recent years has progressed by leaps and bounds. The emphasis is on more speed, safety, passenger – comfort and convenience. There is more and more competition among various airlines to offer the most competitive rates and most convenient timings. The future of air-travel is bound to get brighter in the times ahead. The efforts are being made to make the air transportation more safe and economical through new researches.

Atomic Power and Its Impact

It was America which tested the atom bomb in the deserts of Mexico, but Otto Habur, a German scientist was the first to succeed in making the atom bomb by splitting the atom. For this he got the Nobel Prize for 1944 – 45. Later on, America dropped two atom bombs on Japan to bring the World War II to an end. The first was dropped on Hiroshima and the second on Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945, respectively. Both the cities were ruined. America came out as the mightiest country of the world.
Now the atom bomb is the thing of the past. Hydrogen bomb which is made by fusion of hydrogen atom into helium is many times more powerful than the atom bomb. And in this series most destructive (powerful) is the neutron bomb.
Today, the world is sitting on a volcano. The fear of use of the bomb in war has started a mad race among all the nations, especially those who are rich, can invest huge amount on nuclear weapons. Dr. Einstein, the world famous scientist once said that the fourth war, at all it breaks out, will be fought with bricks and stones, because a third world war will bring everything in the world to ashes. Therefore, it is a challenge to mankind. Either man should put an end to war or war will end him.
The association of atomic power with destruction has all along raised the question whether atomic energy should be developed at all. After the incidents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, man has begun looking on atomic power with horror and suspicion.
His horror is certainly well founded. The superpowers like America, Russia, Germany, France, China etc. have stockpiled deadly atomic weapons in their arsenals. There is tension and suspicion, distrust and fear of each other. If a war starts between the nuclear powers, atomic or nuclear weapons may certainly be used and then mankind will witness a destruction of all the fruits of civilization and culture, all beautiful things which science has given for our comforts, well being, pleasures will be wiped out of existence. Instead of bustling of life there will be deadly silence of death. All those who love life, its beauty and goodness would like the atomic power to be brought to an end.
India has always opposed the use of atomic energy for the destruction of mankind. Though on May 18, 1974 history was made at Pokhran by exploding the first nuclear device. Then after a gap of 25 years, on May 11 and 13, 1999, India again tested successfully its nuclear power. This has led Pakistan also to test its nuclear power. It also successfully launched in May itself, though both are committed to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only.
Atomic power harnessed for peaceful purposes can bring enormous benefits to humanity. It can solve the energy problem. Nuclear power can be used for canal excavation, natural gas stimulation, underground mining, oil and extinguishing gas fires. Agricultural production can be increased manifold by making use of radioisotopes. Industrial production will go up. There will be no pollution due to smoke and fumes coming out of chimneys. A revolution can be brought about in the medical science. We know that radium rays are used for treating cancer and other diseases. Atomic energy can be used in place of conventional sources of energy in transport. This will make transport quicker cheaper and more comfortable.

Computer Revolution

The world’s technological horizon is dominated by the computer since the year 1970, and by now, it has entered into every sphere of human existence, and in the last two decades it has taken over charge of all that was once man’s handiwork.
A computer is an electric device which helps in boosting our efficiency and helps us in being more creative by taking up the work of repetition itself. The computer helps us create programmes, communicate and also help us to earn. To day, even in India it is beyond our imagination to conceive of any avenue where computer has not made a dent., may it be in business, banking, publishing engineering etc., This change over to computerization is welcomed by all and sundry but, it leaves one burning question in the minds of people. We are all apt to believe that, computerization is apt to throw men out of employment, no it is not so, this belief is just a misnomer. The reason for this is that, a man who was once doing the job of a clerk would now be able to execute more productive assignments, thus contributing his best to his employer society and the nation. The computer is expected to ensure enhancement of knowledge levels, productivity, earnings and living standards of the society. If India wants to emulate the economic super powers of the world it is necessary for India to completely computerize, and link the Indian economy and industry with International information in a super big way. This can be made possible only with the help of the computer and the Internet networks.
It was in October 1977 that the private sector Internet Service Provider ushered into India. And this was a great step forward, in the growth of telecom and communication industry. This single step is expected to open new avenues of technology in this country, in the next century. The Internet is a complicated web of satellites and cable network connecting millions of computers across the world. With this advent of the computer, information is shared in the form of data, pictures and graphics. The application of the Internet would include surfing, and access to data.
In India there are about 93000 computers linked to Internet so far. The ISPs have to give a bank guarantee equivalent to license fee for one year. In India, the VSNL, i.e. the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd is the only provider of Internet Services. The Internet has come as a storm in the Indian business and industry. Indian manpower is about the best in the world, in about almost any sphere of work. Now we have really arrived into a new world of a global village.
In the Indian context, computerization is absolutely necessary as, telecommunication and satellite imagery are both computer based. Life in urban Indian is dependent on the telephone, E-mail, fax, internet connectivity and cellphone and all these services warrant the usage of the computer, for their operation and maintenance. Even in rural areas the computer can play an important role in crop development, software for seed research, crop diseases, rural industry and rural education. The avenue of rural telecommunication has been revolutionized by the computer.
The computer could be of great value in education. This is because all information is stored and managed by computers, and so they become necessary in the modern times and are also accessible to all. India can hope to become a country of world standards, only when it computerizes its economy, business, scientific and all other operations. Only this technology can help India to benefit on all fronts. It is a certainty that the new century would belong entirely to the computer.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Behavioural changes in educated women and its impact on society

Whatever we do has to have a close bearing on our behaviour and attitude. We cannot visualize doing something and not having to bear its consequences, good or bad, and as we know every coin has two sides, the good the bad. No matter how slender and paper thin a coin may be, it has to have two sides to it.
We are here to discuss the impact of education on women. This can be understood with the clear background of how much of education have women been getting in India through the centuries. Let us dare say that women who consist half of India’s population have been thoroughly neglected in India. Their growth as individuals has never been looked into and they have been taken for granted as, just tools in the hands of the superior being MAN. Now this situation has existed in India for the last several centuries and women had all this time succumbed to this fact and accepted the role of a slave to man. This situation could be well continued only because women were kept in the dark and not allowed to feed on the fruits of education, enlightenment and awareness. This kept life a easy going for men, as women also adhered to all norms of slavery and never seemed to have better. However, this situation of complacency of women on the stage of the country took a turn in the mid of 20th century, when women started women started entering the scene of education in India.
Now obviously when women got the fruits that they had never tasted earlier, there had to be a reaction. This reaction has been two-fold. On the one hand, education has made women smarter, knowledgeable but with gaining a little power. So much is good, however the second reaction has been rather disappointing. The education of girls has led them to believe that, since they are being educated as much as men, their very domain of activity and influence must be jettisoned to the extent that they get out of the precincts of their homes and fly free in the world of men.
If this reaction in their behaviour ended here then even, we would not have lost much, but for women – this is not all. The outcome of education of women has been hazardous in as far as, they have not only entered into the realm of men, they have started behaving like men. This part of the behavioral changes in women have been suicidal, for this has started having a deep negative impact on the family and the society at large.
The long loved home has become a den of woes for educated women, they do not seem to be happy in the home. They have started feeling that domestic work is below their dignity – the dignity of the educated clan. If this is the change in the behavior of educated women, that day is not far when, children will be born in hospitals, grown in creches, study and live in hostels and die in hospitals. If educated women continue to behave in such an irresponsible manner, the home will become a defunct entity and the housewife a thing of the past.
Education is for enlightenment and awareness and not for destruction. No matter how much education we get, we must never turn our faces from the home, as this is the place which breeds happiness and love, which only, can nurture happy citizens and which in turn can only be given by women.
Let us appeal to our better senses and try to handle both the worlds with efficiency and love, for we can be all powerful if we are educated but this power should be used to bring solace rather than doom.

Science in Daily Life

In the history of mankind, advent of Science is the greatest blessing. Science has come to relieve mankind from sufferings, ignorance and to control nature. It has been defined as a systematized body of wisdom and knowledge which can give rise to greater and greater inventions. Science has also been known as a faithful servant of man who serves all his life and as per the orders of man. Science can be harmful if we misuse it.
Science has brought about far-reaching changes in every sphere of our daily life. Now everybody can afford to avail the benefits of luxuries and comforts created by Science. Science has made goods cheap and readily available and has brought them within reach of every individual. All kinds of gadgets of music, entertainment and communication have been brought to our door with the help of Science. Surely, the life of man is very different from what it used to be few years back. Truly, Science has given ears to the deaf, eyes to the blind and limbs to the crippled.
In everyday live, we have to communicate with different friends and relatives, various official people and for general purposes. And many people to be contacted can be at very far off distances. However, time and distance both have been conquered by Science. Whether we want to communicate or travel, both are possible within seconds. For communication, we have telephones, mobiles, wireless, E-mail, VSATs and internet etc., For faster traveling, aeroplanes are being used. Railways have made journeys swift, safe and comfortable. Entire world has shrunk into a small family. Modern ships have conquered turbulent waters and are perfectly safe for traveling and transportation of goods.
Health is wealth. This has been made possible with modern machines. Science has invented ways to peep inside the human body to tackle diseases of human beings through X-ray machines. Diseases can easily be detected and various tests conducted within a matter of few seconds. Complicated operations are possible and are successful with the help of equipments and machines invented with the help of Science. Human life would get transformed into new horizons and heights of prosperity when atomic energy is fully utilized for peaceful purposes.
A big contribution of science in our daily life is electricity. Without electricity, there would have been complete darkness after evening hours and no industry could function without the power of electricity. We have been able to control the effects of weather change with electrical energy. All fans, coolers and air-conditioners in summer and all kinds of heating gadgets in winter, functions with the help of electricity. Entertainment through cinema is one of the most remarkable invention of science in our daily life. It provides us cheap and enjoyable pastime and comfort from tensions of daily life. Now each household has television and radios which are the fastest medium of mass communication made possible by Science.
Science is proving to be of great help in our daily life. The world would have come to a standstill without inventions of Science. There is shortage of space everywhere and as such, high – rise buildings are constructed both for commercial and residential purposes. Inventions of lifts working in these buildings have made life very easy. A housewife can cook toast with the help of electricity run kitchen machines. Thus she saves a lot of her cooking time and is able to devote that precious time in many other activities related to family life. The washing of clothes for her has become really an enjoyable game of few minutes. Even she need not run here and there spreading wet clothes for drying. All this is possible with the production of fully automatic washing machines.
In spite of Science as a blessing in our daily life, we remain in constant fear of mass destruction weapons invented by Science. Another disadvantage of science has been the misuse of mass media for propaganda. Sometimes information stories facts are blown out of proportion leading to tension among the masses. Much of communal tension withing the country has been the creation of media. Mass media is used by anti-social elements to spread rumours and false information. Once a story is circulated, it spreads like a forest fire, thanks to mass media. It is certainly up to mankind to utilize the benefits of Science for welfare of all or to indulge in making mass destruction weapons for miseries of future generations. Science can further be utilized to make our daily life more prosperous, comfortable and full of happiness.

Co – Education

Co – education is the recent system of education where girls sit and study along with boys in same classes and in a common college. This system was not popular in ancient schools and colleges. At that time, it was not considered appropriate to allow boys and girls study together in same institutions. Rather, boys and girls were sent to separate schools and colleges. Social mixing of boys and girls was not allowed. This was considered essential to maintain the purity of character in them.
Actually the elders of each family consider many disadvantages in co – education and that’s why they are against sending their children or grand – children to such schools and colleges. They think that co – education makes their children absent – minded. The children become indisciplined and the whole atmosphere of the schools and colleges gets polluted.
The boys try all sorts of motions, gestures and songs to attract the attention of the girls. Even the girls tempt the boys for all sorts of indiscipline. Boys do not come for the teachers in the class. They keep combing their hair off and on and waster their time. The boys and girls all try to show themselves as heroes and heroines respectively and are mostly running to cinemas to see latest movies. The educational institutions start presenting a look of fashion parades. All sorts of unsocial and undesirable habits are developed and students forget to listen to their elders or teachers. In such an atmosphere, one cannot expect a good quality character.
Co – education is considered better from social point of view in spite of its various defects as explained above. Such a system of education gives an opportunity to understand each other’s problems and, therefore, can co-operate better in achievement of respective goals. A healthy spirit of working and competing is created by co – education. The boys try to keep a polite and gentle character so as to give a good impression to their girls class – fellows. During their long period of education, they can better understand each other’s psychology and even can choose their life partners from among their class – fellows. In this way, problem of parents to select a suitable match for their children is also solved. The boy and girl educated together make the best match due to their broad attitude towards life and closer understanding of each other’s habits and manners of living, likes and dislikes.
Co – education provides economical and advanced education to girl students. This is because same amount of money is invested to upgrade or provide better equipments and infrastructure in schools and colleges. Otherwise, funds would get diverted for constructing separate schools and colleges for girls. Further, in a free democratic country like India, we cannot deny education to girls along with boys, the girls must also be equally educated. However, where girls students take interest in greater numbers towards studies, there, special separate institutions can be established to impart education of each level and in various professions.
Co – education seems to be good at primary level and higher level in colleges. But due care must be taken at high school and inter-classes where lot of physical and mental changes take place naturally in children. Students must be guided properly to avoid their going astray. Separation between girls and boys can be made taking them into confidence and making them understand any implications. As such, at high school level, co – education can be imparted with able guidance and care. At university level, boys and girls get matured to understand good or bad of each other. So co – education can be very useful from social and economic point of view if given under proper care and guidance.


Knowledge plays a vital role in all spheres of human life and activity. It is a powerful factor which helps man to attain success, power and position in life. We can’t succeed in doing anything unless we know how it is done. A man who does not know this, makes mistakes and fails. Without knowledge, nobody can hope to possess power. Knowledge and human power are synonymous. There is no doubt that physical strength and money are instruments of power.
A man who is physically strong commands power over others. But the power of knowledge is greater. Knowledge and intelligence can tame and control wild animals and overpower wealthy persons. It is truly said that brain is superior to brawn. Man is the weakest of all animals so far as physical strength is concerned. He is, however a thinking animal. Knowledge directs his actions and enables him to discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad. It helps him to overcome his weaknesses and faults and face dangers and difficulties with courage and confidence. It gives him mental, moral and spiritual advancement.
Besides this, it is through knowledge that man has gained mastery over nature. There was a day when man was in a savage stage. He lived in caves and dens. He was afraid of wild animals. Gradually civilization dawned on human society and man acquired knowledge. With its attainment he became civilized. Now knowledge has made him a rules over nature, the animal kingdom and the kingdom of the human mind. He has obtained mastery over wild beasts; he has harnessed the forces of nature to this needs. He has reached the moon. Nothing remains unknown to him. He has become a great scientist, a Nobel artist, a mighty creator of things and a noble path-finder of life.
Advancement of civilization and culture would be impossible without knowledge which plays an important role in the progress of art, literature, philosophy and religion. So knowledge is power. Mighty minds with the power of knowledge can sway the minds of millions. In fact, all the great discoveries and inventions, on which modern life is based, are the result of power of knowledge. The victory on the forces of nature, like water and electricity and the harnessing of these great forces for man’s use have been made possible only through the knowledge of physics. Even development of advanced science, art, culture and civilization all depends upon the power of knowledge. Mysteries of nature have also been yielded to this power of knowledge.
Knowledge also has prevented unnecessary wastage of physical energy and brought an order and economy to its use. Thus discipline, order and economy form the basis of power of knowledge bestowed upon us all. Knowledge has not only given man a mental strength but has taught him how to utilize his physical strength in a better, more disciplined and effective way and get the best output. Great ideals make great men. There is no trait more constant in the nature of human beings than his habit of pursuing a knowledge beyond his province. However, greater as is the power of knowledge, more can be the tendency of human mind to misuse it. Knowledge may take away the blessings if one starts feeling more and more proud with strength of knowledge only. There is need to translate the power of knowledge into wisdom.
We must understand the significance of power of knowledge and inspire ourselves to acquire that knowledge which would enable us to find the real truth of life. Knowledge should not become a tool of pride but it must be like human wisdom. Physical power is definitely of the lower order as compared to the power of the mind. With the growth of civilization and the development of human mind, the mental power came to be recognized as of the most superior order. God has endowed human beings with an intelligent mind and this mind with power of knowledge has achieved for him wonders of the world.


Tourism is an important and most powerful tool to promote national integration and bring people from different parts of the country or sub – continents close together. Advantages of tourism are remarkable if it is accompanied with education. Traveling is considered as the most delightful experience in the life of students. People have enjoyed and learnt a lot while traveling on their educational tours. Students eagerly look forward for such kind of opportunities when they are taken out of the four walls of class rooms to distant places. Englishmen consider their schooling complete only after a tour of the continent.
Geography is considered a very dull and uninspiring subject if it is read sitting in class rooms and just going through various books. The Great Ganga may be thought of a snake line running along the map. The Taj Mahal may be taken as a monument just like many others without actually visiting it. The dull subject of Geography will definitely become interesting and absorbing once these places of interest are visited by the students. History is very boring for students because they think of it as a story of dead kings and their period of kingdom and which is not going to pay student of today anything. However, if students are taken frequently to the sites of glories and defeats, architectural master – pieces constructed during periods of these great dead monarchs, the subject of History becomes more interesting and exciting than any other subject.
Really we can learn a lot more things when we actually come in contact or see such things or sites associated with such happenings. Sitting at home only will make our outlook a narrow one. Any student will fail to understand the effect of environment on the life of human beings. In day-to-day life, reading and getting lonely theoretical knowledge cannot make any student successful. They must know the habits, manners, cultures and way of living of people in other places. Traveling takes students to the sphere of practical knowledge. They come down to reality from the realm of dreams and imagination. While traveling, students learn to adjust to the changed conditions of living and foot-habits and the environment also. Different and varied difficulties encountered during traveling make the students readily adjustable. As such, tourism gives far more valuable lessons to students than the lessons of text books.
There was a time when crossing the seas to acquire higher education was considered highly sacrilegious. Foreign travel was not encouraged. It was this kind of ostrich mentality which brought about the worst type of intellectual stagnation and caused an ignominous fall in the country. However now in pakistan students have become alive to the need of learning more languages and acquire higher education in latest technologies. The latest method to learn a new language and understand the different culture is to live and more among the people whom we want to know. The learning of Chinese language and culture is best possible by living for a short duration in China than going through longer courses in institutions in our country only. The learning of a foreign language is the first step towards understanding of a nation. International understanding is possible for students of our country through taking tourism packages all over the world.
A student has to keep his eyes and mind open while on educational tours. Tourism provides an experience of the world and calls into action and practical use of various qualities of mind and intellect developed by education. Tact, engaging personality, firmness and lively conversation are some of the products of traveling across length and breadth of country and the world. A student need not initiate the habits, manners or fashions of other people whom he visits. Only good and proper attitudes must be adopted from others. The student must understand the economic problems faced by rural people when he goes to the villages and see how without proper schools and hospitals, people are surviving. The students may make a decision to serve the poor and innocent folks in villages after completing their studies.
Traveling must be made a part of the education system at each level of studies. Students will not only become more educated about their country’s all walks of life and culture but will be liberal in outlook. They will have maturity of judgement and clear in their understanding of people and their minds. Tourism is the quickest and the best if not the cheapest method of learning new things.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Local /district level planning:

The update on ESR Action Plan 2001/2-2005/6 reveals that education remains a
central and sobering challenge for Pakistan on account of short falls in access, quality and
transition. It is heartening to see that the provinces have recognized the merit of sector wide approach and are developing sector strategies strongly along those lines. This is reflected in provincial PRSPs, which will support the national PRSP targets.
We are constrained with regards to resources in spite of overall increase in allocations. The demand for quality education continues to outpace supply not just at the primary level but also at the middle, secondary and higher secondary level. For every 10 primary schools there is only 1 middle, and schools in the public sector. These gaps lead to low possibilities for completion and transition. However, there are several historical anomalies, which need to be corrected. There is not sufficient cushion in the non-salary component of the recurrent budget, repairs and maintenance, facility up-gradation remains  unattended. These problems compel us to revisit how we undertake allocations, develop norms for not just establishment of schools but also norms for school based maintenance, facility improvements, utilities and quality inputs at primary, middle and secondary levels.
The space provided under devolution for community participation is yet to be fully
explored. Sindh is providing legal cover to SMCs, whilst Punjab has restructured the School Councils to give them enhanced authority for effective and responsible local governance.
These are promising trends in devolution of authority and trust.
Local level education planning is gaining momentum in Pakistan with inclusion of
CSOs in the preparation of District EFA Plans 2015 and the medium term District Education Plans. This marks the beginning of evidence based planning processes. Such initiatives are part of the capacity building processes, which are urgently required at the district level recognizing that devolution has varying interpretation patterns from province to province.
An enabling environment for private sector and public private partnerships is in place
including a robust incentive package. We seek to make the incentive regime more targeted for private sector complementarily in bridging access gaps at middle and secondary levels as a part of coherent public policy.
We stand committed to quality improvement in public sector service delivery at all
levels in which civil society and private sector are our valuable partners so that we can move towards becoming a knowledge-based society spurring human development and economic
National Plan of Action on Education for All Goals.
National Plan of Action on Education for All (2001-15) sets the following targets for Primary Education
Education for All (EFA) Plans, Progress and Prospects
 Background / Introduction:
EFA National Plan of Action (NPA) has been developed through broad-based
consultations with principal actors of EFA and all stakeholders. Education Sector Reforms
(2001-02 - 2005-06) aimed at the development of education sector as a whole with a special focus on EFA goals, served as foundation of the NPA. Allocations of Rs.1.574 Billion with additional Rs. 2.00 Billion in the current financial year for ESR implementation over and above the regular budget, despite economic difficulties, is a clear expression of political will and government commitment to Education For All.
The planning framework of National Plan of Action (NPA) are the six EFA goals as
stated in the Dakar Framework For Action. The main objectives of NPA interalia are (I) to reach the disadvantaged population groups in rural and urban areas with emphasis on girls and women, (II) to promote community participation and ownership of basic education programs at the grassroots, and (III) to improve relevance and quality of basic education through enhancing learning achievements of the children, youth and adults. The sector-wide order of priorities of the plan are Primary Education, Adult Literacy and Early ChildhoodEducation.
Separate plan for each EFA sector/area is developed and integrated into a
consolidated plan. Each plan covers three main aspects/components of project cycle i.e.
planning, implementation and monitoring/ evaluation. The NPA has been developed within a sustainable and well-integrated sector framework clearly linked to poverty alleviation and development strategies. It aims at forging a link between basic education and skills development.
 National EFA Plan Goals and Targets
Population projections of the National Institute of Population Studies quote the
population of primary age group (5-9) to be 17.9 million. This number may rise to 19.6
million in 2005 and remaining almost constant for few years, will decline to 17.5 million in the last year of the plan. Net participation rate will increase from the existing 66 % to 100 % by the last year of the plan. UPE target for males would be achieved by the year 2010 and in case of females by 2015. Additional year-wise enrolment target of 0.4; 0.7; 0.9; 0.9 and 0.7 million for the first 5 years of the plan have been fixed. 8250 new primary schools will be constructed to accommodate the above additional enrolment. Physical facilities of 100,000 primary schools will be upgraded along with introduction of double shifts (2006-2010) and (2011-2015) in existing primary schools and opening of new primary schools in private sector. During the 2nd and 3rd phase of the plan more schools in public sector may not be needed. However up-gradation of primary schools to middle level would be regular feature of the plan.
Population of 10 + age group is likely to increase from the existing 101 million to 146
million by the end of the plan (2015). Literacy rate is planned to increase from existing 49% to 86% in next 15 years. Around 81 million population of 10+ age group will become literate during the plan period (2000-15). The innovative approaches and programs should be initiated to meet the targets.
Early Childhood Education is the third priority of NPA. The benchmark population of
3-5 year age group is 8.1 million. It may continuously decline due to reduced population
growth rate. By the end of the Plan (2015), it may drop to 7.2 million. The plan has to
provide ECE to at least half of the said age group population raising the net participation rate
from existing 25 % to 50 % by 2015. To accommodate these children, around 2500 ECE
centers/classes in the selected primary schools in public sector and 1500 centers in private
sector will be opened during each year of the Plan (kindly reword this statement as there is no
evidence on this in the public sector and anecdotal estimates only in private sector).
Quality improvement and school effectiveness are the key elements of the Plan. The
main quality inputs interalia, include reforms in curricula (focusing on basic learning needs of child, youth, adolescent and adult) textbook development and teachers training literacy
curriculum. An improved system of examination/assessment i.e. National Education
Assessment System (NEAS) will be introduced. Besides, pre-primary education (ECE),
programs will be initiated as part of efforts to improve achievement of pupils at primary
education level. Sector-wide estimated cost will be Rs. 202 Billion for Primary Education, Rs. 180 Billion for Adult Literacy and Rs. 48 Billion for ECE. The total cost worked out to be Rs.430 Billion. Out of it Rs. 178 Billion is estimated to be provided through the country’s
own resources and the gap of Rs. 252 Billion may be provided by international development
partners, bilateral and multilateral agencies as per Dakar commitment.
4.3 EFA Planning and Capacity Building:
It was strongly felt that capacity building of provinces and districts is one of the
urgent needs for EFA planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation particularly for
district base planning and management under the new system and structure. In order to fulfill
this need following measures have been undertaken:
 EFA Planning and Capacity Building at Provincial Level:
In order build the capacity of provinces and prepare provincial EFA plans of action
following actions have been completed.
_ Orientation/awareness workshops/meetings were held in all the four provinces and
federating units in the first instance.
_ EFA communication and media campaign launched for awareness creation and
mobilization of resources.
_ A national training/capacity building workshop on Education for All was held in
Islamabad with an objective to train master trainers for training of EDO Education,
EDO Literacy, Nazims and other concerned. The said workshop was held in
Islamabad on July 2003. The participants of the workshop were drawn from the
provinces and federating units. Group of master trainers from the respective province
workshop prepared draft plan in all the three areas of EFA i.e. Primary Education,
Adult Literacy and Early Childhood Education for respective province / area. Finally
the participants were given training to write/describe the plan. Through this training
the master trainers not only learned theoretical concepts and fundamentals of planning
but also prepared draft plans and described / wrote the plans. It was termed as one of
the most successful and effective workshop on EFA Planning.
 Master trainers trained in National Capacity Building Workshop were assigned the
task of training/capacity building of provincial and district planners, managers and
other concerned. Furthermore, to improve the provincial/federating unit draft plans
prepared in National Workshop in consultation with Province and districts, a series of
training workshops were held at provincial headquarters.
 All the four provinces i.e. Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan have prepared
the EFA plans in consultation with provincial EFA forums, Provincial Education
Department and other concerned.
 As a next step these plans will be discussed in the respective provincial assemblies,
finalized and launched.
District EFA Plans:
Subsequently training workshops for preparation of district EFA plans were held in
the provinces to train the district officials and other concerned in EFA planning, monitoring
and evaluation. This programme was started in August 2003 and completed in October 2003.
In N.W.F.P province, two such workshops were conducted at Peshawar covering 12 districts
in first workshop and remaining 12 districts in the second workshop. In Punjab province,
three different workshops were conducted at Lahore, Rawalpindi/Islamabad and Multan
covering all the 34 districts. For Sindh province also three workshops were conducted at
Hyderabad, Karachi and Sukkur, whereas for Balochistan province only one workshop was
conducted at Quetta. The participants/trainees of these workshops were Executive District
Officers Education and Executive District Officers Literacy, nazims, NGOs representatives
and other concerned. Draft district EFA plans were prepared by the participants of the
respective districts under the guidance of training team. The participants were given the
task to finalize the plan in consultation with district EFA forums and other concerned.
At present, 20 districts of Punjab, all the 16 districts of Sindh, all the 24 districts of
NWFP, all the 5 districts of FANA, all the 7 districts of AJK and 4 districts of                  
Balochistan have prepared the draft EFA plans. These plans may be discussed and
approved by the district assembly and district nazim, for full-scale implementation.

 Sub-district / Tehsil Level EFA Planning:
Ministry of Education adopted a different approach i.e. “bottom up EFA planning
approach” in district Chakwal (Model District). In the said district after giving orientation
and training, data/statistics and other related information on EFA were collected from the
households, educational institutions, NGOs and private sector. These statistics pertain to the
core indicators of primary education; adult literacy and early childhood education in terms of
population, enrolment, out of school children, illiterates, causes and factors of low
participation rate and dropout etc. etc. Based on the data/statistics so collected sub-district /
tehsil EFA plans of all the three tehsils of district Chakwal i.e. tehsil Chakwal, tehsil
Choasaiden Shah and Talagang have been prepared in consultation with tehsil EFA
forum, councilors, nazims and other concerned. These plans will be discussed and
approved by respective tehsil assembly before the same are launched for implementation.

4.3.4 Union Council Level EFA Planning:
As mentioned above we have successfully completed union council EFA planning
exercise, through the bottom up approach. Union council EFA Plans of all the sixty-eight
union councils of district Chakwal have been prepared in consultation with union
councilors and union nazims. These plans are based on the actual data/facts and figures
collected from the households and institutions.
These union council, tehsil and district Chakwal Model Plans will be shared with
other districts of the county to be adopted as model district planning approach

 EFA Forums and EFA Units Established:
Effective Coordination in EFA planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation
has been given vital importance almost at all levels. It emerged from the strong realization
that unless and until all principal EFA actors and stakeholders are effectively involved at each stage the achievement of EFA goals and targets may not be possible.
To achieve EFA goals and targets, EFA Forums at national, provincial, district and
local levels have been established. The EFA Forum is a representative body of the
Government, Civil Society, Private Schools, Deeni Madaris, Media, Support Organizations
and Communities. The functions of EFA Forum interalia include: Coordination, Awareness
Raising, Planning, Collection and Dissemination of Information, Monitoring, Resource
Mobilization, Political Support, Capacity Building etc.
  International Development Partners EFA Forum:
EFA Partners (UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and World Bank) in Pakistan has
set up EFA International Development Partners Forum (INDPF) comprising all the
development partners including bi-lateral and multilateral agencies and international NGOs
and INGOs. Coordination and Resource Mobilization for EFA would be the main function of
EFA units at national, provincial and district levels will provide a platform to the
respective forum for effective coordination and monitoring/evaluation of EFA activities and
programmes at respective level.
4.4. Implementation Status:
Primary Education
In EFA Primary Education has been assigned top priority. Universalization of Primary
Education (UPE) in terms of universal enrolment/access; universal retention/completion and
universal achievement latest by 2010 in case of boys and 2015 in case of girls is the avowed goal and target of national, provincial and district EFA plans.
The target of 73% net participation rate under ESR/EFA plan of action for primary
education was set. Achievement in terms of net participation rate could not be assessed due to
non-availability of data/statistics. However, gross enrolment at primary level (I-V) is
estimated to be 83%.
Declining population growth rate; high intake rate in grade I; increased enrolment in
primary classes (I-V); reduced dropout rate (from 50% to 35%); increased allocations for
primary education (more than 50% budget of education sector is allocated for primary
education); and adequate infrastructure (around 200,000 institutions including Formal
Primary Schools, Masjid Maktab Schools, Primary Sections of Middle and Secondary
Schools. Deeni Madaris, Private Sector Schools and Non-formal Basic Education Schools
cater to the needs of primary age group children) are the achievements and strengths of
Primary Education in Pakistan. Whereas, a large number of out of school (more than 6
million) children; gender and area disparities; lack of effective community participation;
deteriorating quality of education and shortage of required funds are some of the lackings and
weaknesses of the system which need to be addressed on priority basis.
 Adult Literacy:
In literacy 10,000 Adult Literacy Centers in public sector and more than  2000 in
private sector against the target of 270,000 during the period 2001-3 could be opened.
Literacy rate could be enhanced to 51.6% against the target of 56% during this period.
The shortfall was mainly due to non-availability of the required resources by the
international Development Partners, Federal, Provincial and District Governments. Secondly,
implementation of ESR was delayed for one year and started in the year 2002 instead of  The above mentioned initiatives in literacy; plus declining population growth rate
(reduced from 3% in 1991 to 2.1% in 2003); and increasing participation rate at primary level
has resulted in considerable increase (2.2% against 1.1% per year average increase from 1981
– 1998) in literacy. At present (2003-4) the adult literacy rate is estimated to be 54% (male
66%: female 42%)
Consequent upon that the targets of adult literacy rate for ESR first phase (upto 2005-
06) are revised to 58% (male 69%: female 47%) against 60% previously targeted. The current projection is based on actual evidence at present and may be revised upwards if
implementation in 2004-2005 is seen to be more robust on account of government, NCHD,
US AID, and JICA funded initiatives in literacy. The backlog of 264,000 literacy centers will
be adjusted accordingly during the remaining periof of 1st, 2nd and 3rd phases of EFA Plan of
Action spread evenly across the period 2004/5 to 2014.
Early Childhood Education (ECE):
Early Childhood Education is one of the priority areas of education for all. Some of
the major Programmes on ECE launched in Pakistan are as follows:

 In the public sector primary schools, especially in rural areas, children below 5 years
of age do attend the schools informally, and learn basic concepts of literacy and numeracy.
_ In private sector schools, especially schools run on commercial basis, pre-primary
education is well organized, being an essential part of primary education. Almost all
such schools arrange pre-primary education in the form of Nursery, Pre-nursery or
Kindergarten KG-I, KG-II classes.
_ Day Care Centers and Nurseries have also been opened by the Social Welfare
Department, for children of working mothers.
_ The Ministry of Education under ESR has promoted ECE as an innovative program in
the provinces. Under this initiative 450 ECE classes were set up with a view that these
may be mainstreamed by the respective provinces once their efficacy was
established. Support for ECE has been mobilized from donors such as US AID, UNICEF, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
                 Child friendly School Project has been launched by Federal Directorate of Education
in Islamabad, Chakwal and six other districts in Punjab covering 200 schools in
collaboration with UNICEF.
             The Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan with the support from US-AID has initiated a
pilot programme of early childhood education (ECE) in the province of Sindh and
Balochistan. ECE programme entitled “Releasing Confidence and Creativity:
Building Sound Foundations for Early Learning in Pakistan” is being implemented in
100 government schools in Sindh and Balochistan. The Sindh Education Foundation
(SEF) has been given the role of documentation and research of the program to
capture the impact on early years on learning, parental and teachers engagement.

 Children Resource International (CRI) is also implementing ECE in another 100
schools across public sector and non-elite private sector.

 The Teachers Resource Center (TRC) which has developed the national ECE
curriculum has been engaged to provide support to all partners in various areas
especially in teachers’ training and classroom material development and
dissemination of ‘taleemi bastas’ of learning kits for ECE and early primary years.
EMIS data indicates that Pre-primary age group gross enrolment in public sector was
2.97 (male 1.67: female 1.30) million in 2001-02. Since, private sector ECE data is not
available therefore adding to it 50% of private sector enrolment (as is the present ratio
between public and private sector in Primary education I-V) the gross enrolment comes out to
be 4.5 million which is 57% of the ECE age group population of 7.9 million in 2002. It shows that we have achieved the NPA target of 27.5% net participation rate of ECE in 2002.
National Education Policy 1998-2010

 Salient Features of National Education Policy 1998-2010

Aims and objectives of Education and Islamic Education
Education and training should enable the citizens of Pakistan to lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam as laid down in the Qur'an and Sunnah and to educate and train them as a true practicing Muslim. To evolve an integrated system of national education by bringing Deeni Madaris and modern schools closer to each stream in curriculum and the contents of education. Nazira Qur'an will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VIII while at secondary level translation of the selected verses from the Holy Qur'an will be offered.

Literacy and Non-Formal Education
Eradication of illiteracy through formal and informal means for expansion of basic education through involvement of community. The current literacy rate of about 39% will be raised to 55% during the first five years of the policy and 70% by the year 2010 Functional literacy and income generation skills will be provided to rural women of 15 to 25 age group and basic educational facilities will be provided to working children. Functional literacy will be imparted to adolescents (10-14) who missed out the chance of primary education. The existing disparities in basic education will be reduced to half by year 2010.

Elementary Education
About 90% of the children in the age group (5-9) will be enrolled in schools by year 2002-03. Gross enrolment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105% by year 2010 and Compulsory Primary Education Act will be promulgated and enforced in a phased manner. Full utilization of existing capacity at the basic level has been ensured by providing for introduction of double shift in existing school of basics education. Quality of primary education will be improved through revising curricula, imparting in-service training to the teachers, raising entry qualifications for teachers from matriculation to intermediate, revising teacher training curricula, improving management and supervision system and reforming the existing examination and assessment system.

Integration of primary and middle level education in to elementary education (I-VIII). Increasing participation rate from 46% to 65% by 2002-3 and 85% 2010 at middle level. At the elementary level, a system of continuous evaluation will be adopted to ensure attainment of minimum learning competencies for improving quality of education.
Secondary Education
One model secondary school will be set up at each district level. A definite vocation or a career will be introduced at secondary level. It would be ensured that all the boys and girls, desirous of entering secondary education, become enrolled in secondary schools. Curriculum for secondary and higher secondary will be revised and multiple textbooks will be introduced. The participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48% by 2002-03. The base for technical and vocational education shall be broadened through introduction of a stream of matriculation (Technical) on pilot basis and establishment of vocational high schools. Multiple textbooks shall be introduced at secondary school level.

Teacher Education

To increase the effectiveness of the system by institutionalizing in-service training of teachers, teacher trainers and educational administrators through school clustering and other techniques. To upgrade the quality of pre-service teacher training programmes by introducing parallel programmes of longer duration at post-secondary and post-degree levels i.e. introduction of programs of FA/FSc education and BA/BSc education . The contents and methodology parts of teacher education curricula will be revised. Both formal and non-formal means shall be used to provide increased opportunities of in-service training to the working teachers, preferably at least once in five years. A special package of incentives package shall be provided to rural females to join the teaching profession. A new cadre of teacher educators shall be created.

Technical and Vocational Education
To develop opportunities for technical and vocational education in the country for producing trained manpower, commensurate with the needs of industry and economic development goals. To improve the quality of technical education so as to enhance the chances of employment of Technical and vocational Education (TVE) graduates by moving from a static, supply-based system to a demand-driven system. Revision and updating of curricula shall be made a continuing activity to keep pace with changing needs of the job market and for accommodating the new developments. Development of technical competence, communication skills, safety and health measures and entrepreneurial skills etc. shall be reflected in the curricula. Institution-industry linkages shall be strengthened to enhance the relevance of training to the requirements of the job market. Emerging technologies e.g. telecommunication, computer, electronics, automation, petroleum, garments, food preservation, printing and graphics, textile, mining, sugar technology, etc. greatly in demand in the job market shall be introduced in selected polytechnics. A National Council for Technical Education shall be established to regulate technical education.

Higher Education
Access to higher education shall be expanded to at least 5% of the age group 17-23 by the year 2010. Merit shall be the only criterion for entry into higher education. Access to higher education, therefore, shall be based on entrance tests. Reputed degree colleges shall be given autonomy and degree awarding status. Degree colleges shall have the option to affiliate with any recognized Pakistani university or degree awarding institution for examination and award of degrees. To attract highly talented qualified teachers, the university staff will be paid at higher rates than usual grades. Local M.Phil. and Ph.D programs shall be launched and laboratory and library facilities will be strengthened. Split Ph.D programs shall be launched in collaboration with reputed foreign universities and at the minimum, 100 scholars shall be annually trained under this arrangement. All quota/reserve seats shall be eliminated. Students from backward areas, who clear entry tests, would compete amongst themselves. In order to eliminate violence, all political activities on the campus shall be banned.

Information Technology
Computers shall be introduced in secondary schools in a phased manner. School curricula shall be revised to include recent developments in information technology, such as software development, the Information Super Highway designing Web Pages, etc
Library and Documentation Services
School, college and university libraries shall be equipped with the latest reading materials/services. Internet connection with computer shall be given to each library. Mobile library services for semi-urban and remote rural areas shall be introduced.

Private Sector in Education
Encouraging private investment in education. There shall be regulatory bodies at the national and provincial levels to regulate activities and smooth functioning of privately-managed schools and institutions of higher education through proper rules and regulations. A reasonable tax rebate shall be granted on the expenditure incurred on the setting-up of educational facilities by the private sector. Matching grants shall be provided for establishing educational institutions by the private sector in the rural areas or poor urban areas through Education Foundations. Existing institutions of higher learning shall be allowed to negotiate for financial assistance with donor agencies in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. Educational institutions to be set up in the private sector shall be provided (a) plots in residential schemes on reserve prices, and (b) rebate on income tax, like industry. Schools running on non-profit basis shall be exempted from all taxes. Curricula of private institutions must conform to the principles laid down in the Federal Supervision of curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976. The fee structure of the privately managed educational institutions shall be developed in consultation with the government.

Innovative Programes
The National Education Testing Service will be established to design and administer standardized tests for admission to professional institutions. Qualifying these tests will become a compulsory requirement for entry to professional education. This mechanism is expected to check the incidence of malpractice in examinations. Likewise, standardized tests shall be introduced for admission to general education in universities.
Implementation Monitoring And Evaluation
A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system has been envisaged from grass-roots to the highest level. The District Education Authority will be established in each district to ensure public participation in monitoring and implementation. The education Ministers at the Federal and Provincial levels will oversee monitoring committees, responsible for implementation at their levels. The Prime Minister and Provincial Chief Ministers will be the Chief of National and Provincial Education Councils respectively which will ensure achievements of targets. Existing EMIS at Federal and Provincial levels shall be strengthened to make them responsive to the need of Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES).The Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) shall be strengthened and tuned up to meet the emerging demands of MES and its obligations at national and provincial levels. Data collected through Provincial EMISs and collated by AEPAM through National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) shall be recognized as one source for planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation purposes to avoid disparities and confusion. Databases of critical indicators on qualitative aspects of educational growth shall be developed and maintained by AEPAM for developing sustainable indicators of progress, based on more reliable and valid data to facilitate planning, implementation and follow-up. A School Census Day shall be fixed for collecting data from all over the country.

The total expenditure of the government on education will be raised from its present level of 2.2% to 4% of GNP by the year 2002-03 (p.132).