An institution is said to be recognized when it is allowed by the department, Board or university to send its bonafide students for a public examination.
Rules will regard to recognition of school are as under.
1- Recognition Authority :
In case recognition of an elementary school shall by granted by the District Education Officer.
All the institutions shall be recognized by the Director of Education, board or university as the case may be.
2- Conditions of recognition of school:
The Recognition of an elementary school shall be governed the following conditions:
i) That the institution is needed in the locality.
ii) That is under a regularly constituted managing body duly approved by the Department. Every change in the management shall be got approved from the department.
iii) That the school premises, accommodation, furniture and equipment are sufficient and suitable.
iv) That it strictly follows Department rules.
v) That fees and funds are charged in accordance with the rates approved by the department.
Provisional Recognition:
If a school is promising enough to deserve encouragement but does not satisfy all the conditions of recognition, provisional recognition may be granted for a period not exceeding two years.
Refusal of Recognition:
Where recognition is refused to an institution a copy of the orders shall be sent to the manager of the school stating the reasons for which recognition has been refused.
Withdrawal of recognition:
Undue laxity in granting promotions, if it continues after the warning, will be considered sufficient reason for the withdrawal of recognition from any institution, which suffers from this defect.
Restoration of recognition:
An institution or a class of an institution from which recognition has been withdrawn shall not be stored to that privilege until the recognizing authority has been satisfied that the defects which led to the withdrawal of recognition have been removed, and that in al other respects the institution or class fulfills the prescribed conditions.
Lapse recognition:
The recognition of an institution or any of its classes shall lapse if:
a) a recognized institution or class ceases to exit, or
b) An institution is transferred to a different building or locality not already approved by the competent authority.
Appeal against refusal or Withdrawal of recognition:
An appeal against an order refusing or withdrawing of recognition will in all cases lie with the next higher authority.
Conditions of recognition of Hostels:
I. The building and sanitary arrangements shall be approved by a competent authority.
II. Dormitories shall not be less than 550 meter in height and shall provide a floor space of at least 5.50 meter for each boarder to be accommodated.
Hostel Record:
The following record shall be kept in a hostel:
a) an admission register showing the date of admission and home address of each boarder and the name of his parent or guardian.
b) Attendance register;
c) A sick register;
d) Accounts of income and expenditure;
e) A property register and
f) A conduct register;
Application for Recognition: Such applications from institutions applying for recognition for the first time should reach the competent authority concerned on the specified date each year.
Lapse of recognition of Hostels
Should a recognized hostel once cease to exit or be transferred to a different locality or to a different management not already approved by the Department its recognition will lapse and for the purposes of future recognition it shall be treated as a new hostel.
Branches of hostel:
The provisions of articles 103 and 104 of this chapter shall also apply to branch hostels.
Privately managed Educational institutions’ means in institution or school or a college maintained by any person or body other than the Federal Government / Provincial Government, a Municipal Committee, cantonment Board and any other local authority.
Authority means a competent authority to grant a certificate of recognition .
It shall be a pre-requisite to run or to establish a privately Managed Educational institution to obtain a certificate of registration from the competent authority.
a) The privately managed educational institution shall function in conformity with the objectives of National Educational Policy and shall follow curricula and syllabi as prescribed by secondary or Technical Education Boards or the University concerned and the instructions issued by the Education Department of the Government of the Punjab from time to time.
b) All such institution shall be open to periodical inspection by the inspecting staff authorized by the Education Department to ensure that the provision of the National Education policy and the curriculum and syllabi are strictly followed as prescribed from time to tome.
c) That the management, staff and the students shall not take part in activities prejudicial to the integrity and solidarity of the state or disseminate opinions tending to excite feeling of disloyalty towards the state/ religion i.e. Islam.
The authority shall issue a registration certificate of intimate the refusal to the applicant within three months of the receipt of the application.
Refusal and withdrawal of certificate of Registration:
Registration is refused to an institution a copy of the orders shall be sent to the manager or correspondent of the institution stating the reasons for which registration has been refuse or with-drawn.
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